Attempted rangings at targets which are at a distance of 35 meters or less and targets which are at a
distance of 10,005 meters or greater shall result in a display of four zeros (0000) in the eyepiece.
The MLRF shall exhibit no more than one failure out of any 100 consecutive rangings thereby
determining the range to targets under the conditions that the targets shall be normal to the laser
beam, the target size shall not be greater than 10 meters square, the target shall be at a range not
less than 9990 meters, the target shall have diffused Lambertian reflectance of not greater than 10
percent at the laser operating wavelength, and the visual range shall be 20,000 meters. Ranging logic. Ranging logic shall be first/last pulse, switch selectable. Target discrimination. The MLRF shall discriminate between targets along the same
line-of-sight where range separation is 50 meters or greater and shall provide positive, visual
indication for multiple targets. Range error. The range error shall not exceed ± 5 meters. False alarm rate. The false alarm rate shall not exceed one false range reading in one
hundred (100) range operations.
3.7.3 Duty cycles. Sustained duty cycle. The MLRF shall be capable of continuous operation at a
minimum rate of 6 rangings per minute. Burst rate duty cycle. The MLRF shall be capable of continuously performing at a
burst rate duty cycle consisting of 10 rangings per minute for 2 minutes followed by a two minute
cool down period.
3.7.4 System timing. Charge time. The MLRF shall provide a positive visual ready-to-fire indication
within 3 seconds of activation of the charge switch. The ready-to-fire status of the MLRF, to
include the visual indicator in the eyepiece, shall be maintained for 8 ± 1 seconds, after which the
unit shall shut down automatically. Display time. The range shall be displayed within 1 second after activation of the fire
switch. When the fire switch is released the range shall be automatically displayed for a period of 5
± 1 seconds, after which the unit shall shut down automatically. Any time the charge switch is
activated, the MLRF shall immediately cease to display the range and return to a "ready" status
within 3 seconds. The range shall remain displayed when the fire switch is activated and held in the
fire position.
3.7.5 System response. The MLRF shall be capable of performing a single ranging operation
within 5 seconds after turning the system on.
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